Last night a very special man in my life passed away after a very short diagnosis of cancer. His wife, Marge, had emailed last week to let me know of the prognosis and that Richard was scheduled for some more tests the beginning of the week. I immediately thought to myself to call him to let him know that I was praying for him and loved him dearly. But, as usual, I put it off thinking I had time and I would wait for the weekend. Then I received an email this morning (Fri) to say he had passed away in his sleep. He was able to leave this world with Marge's arms wrapped around him, just the way he wanted to go.

I, along with a very selected few, was taken under his wing early on in my assessment career. He was the City Assessor of Richmond, VA and later the President of the International Association of Assessing Officers. At times I wanted to wring his neck - but he'd give me that $^&* Ass grin of his and tell me I could do it! He gave me the confidence in myself that I could accomplish just about anything I set my mind to. Between Richard and my Dad, they both had more faith in me than I had in myself. Another one of the "selected few", Barbara Brunner, passed away in 2002 of cancer also. We teased Richard that he had a harem of Barbara's, but I was number ONE since I was Barbara A and the other was Barbara B.
He will always be in my thoughts and heart
I'm so sorry about your friend, Barb. He sounds like he was a wonderful man and great influence in your life. RIP.
Barb, sorry that you lost such a special friend. He sounds like the kind of person we all need in our lives. My thoughts are with you.
I'm so sorry about your friend, Barb! My heart goes out to you, you have my sincerest sympathies. He sounds like a very wonderful and special influence in your life!
May he rest in peace. It is always hard to lose a dear friend. A part of us goes with them.
Prayers for his family.
Barb, I am very sorry to hear of your great friend that enriched you life. My deepest sympathy to his family.
I'm sorry for your loss Barb. Its tough when someone who has made such an impact on your life is gone. But his impression will last forever. Lovely tribute.
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